Kid’s Speaker
The prompt for this sketch was to design a speaker for children! It should be intuitive to use and appeal to that demographic.
For this design, I wanted to target the teenage market with a sleek design that relates to the volume symbol that teens are used to on their electronic devices, but shown in original 3D form.
The speaker’s volume is changed by spinning the outer ring, with the power button and charging on the back of the device. The stand on the back of the speaker affords hanging, but also acts as a stand.

The prompt for this project was to create a piece of furniture. To find inspiration and to chracterize the individual who would buy our piece, we put together persona and audit boards.
Originally, the piece was directed for a comfortable, minimalist, upscale environment with wood tones and plants. However, this evolved to a “high style” concept. Three sketches were made.
This set of sketches taught me to visualize my designs in multiple angles, and helped me grow more confident in using less color.

Northwestern Bus Stop
The prompt for this sketch was to design a bus stop for Northwestern. My final concept draws inspiration from a paper map. One one side of the stop is a live map of the bus routes with estimated times and seating. On the other side of the stop is a notice board for students.

Backpack Thumbnails
The prompt for this design sprint was to create backpacks for Northwestern student athletes. On the right are a series of thumbnail sketches I created to brainstorm different concepts. In addition to thinking about backpacks for athletes generally, I also created a number of concepts for different teams, including basketball, soccer and diving.
These quick, small-scale sketches showed me the benefit of brainstorming and being innovative in a space that I didn’t have experience in.
