Jeremy Fu



Designed with the R2 and R3 customer in mind, the tent leverages Rivian’s electric vehicle platform to enable powered features including exterior and interior lights, ventilation, usb-c charging, and a built in movie projector. 

Our tent’s unique silhouette is framed on one end by a zipper-free door, and on the other by a custom hard shell with a large panoramic window. 

My Role
  • Led development of hard-shell rooftop tent from architecture proof-of concept, through successful show build, into production design
  • Developed strategy for packaging lighting, ventilation, controls, and wire harness —spanning hard shell, tent frame, and mechanisms
  • Engineered composite fiberglass tent shell, developing CAD models to run FEA structural analyses to balance mass, cost, and performance
  • Collaborated with aerodynamics engineers and design studio to minimize tent shell’s impact on vehicle range and acoustics
  • Iteratively prototyped door hoop mechanism resulting in increased interior height while ensuring seamless deploy and stow experience
  • Directed fabrication hand-off of 300+ unique parts, effectively coordinating with in-house teams and external prototyping partners
  • Managed team of 3 engineers to de-risk novel architecture decisions, ensuring quality, functionality, and on-time delivery to public unveil

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